
Cozad 150 Commemorative Barn Quilt

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Cozad 150 Commemorative Barn Quilt

Cozad 150 Commemorative Barn Quilt

Celebrating 1873-2023

This special barn quilt was commissioned by the Cozad Tourism Committee to celebrate Cozad 150th Anniversary in 2023 and was painted by Rose Mapel.

The images on this barn quilt are replicas of the original artwork created by Jaysie Ross Gengenbach for the Cozad 150 Committee.  

Each image recognizes an area of importance to the founding of Cozad.  Each quarter throughout 2023, events are focused on highlighting Agriculture, the Railroad, the Arts, and the 100th Meridian.

Quadrants of the barn quilt were sponsored by:

Bob and Melanie Nutt

Julie Geiger - Prairie Point Junction

Machelle Smith - The Old Cozad Mill

Rose Mapel - Artistic Innovations

The 100th Meridian Museum and Historical Society


Street Address206 East 8th Street